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Purple Powers

Our rational for the curriculum at Our Lady Queen of Peace is driven by the aim that when children leave us in Year 6 they are ‘ready’ for secondary school and that we have provided them with the knowledge, skills and attributes to continue to be successful learners. 

With this in mind, our five school ‘Purple Powers’ underpin our Mission Statement and contribute to what a learner at Our Lady’s should be like. (Be like ‘FRANCIS’) 


We reinforce these values throughout all areas of school life and award children their weekly Star Awards in assembly for displaying any of these powers.

These 'Powers' are displayed in classrooms and adults are always looking to spot children displaying them. The Class Dojo reward system links to these powers and they make up 5 of the 7 'Be like Francis' values we are aiming for children to embody.

pp poster

Our 'Purple Powers' have been developed in consultation with staff and parent views to ensure a holistic approach to what we feel is important to our children are they grow and learn. 
