Year 1 Class Page
Welcome to Year 1
We Are The 'Busy Bees'
Meet Our Teacher
Our class teacher is Mrs Pow
Our teaching assistants are Miss Connop
HLTA : Mrs Ritson PPA Cover: Mrs Long
Year One begins the children's journey into Key Stage One, so it's a very important year! We do lots of hands on leaning through our inspiring and creative curriculum.
We look forward to sharing our new and exciting news with you about all the fantastic things that happen in our Year 1 class.
Here are a few things you might like to know about our year group:
- Toy Time Travellers: where we will learn about toys now and in the past.
- Take a Walk on the Wild Side: where we will learn about life in Kenya.
- Medieval Magic: where we will learn all about Castles and the life of our King and The Royal Family.
- Weekly spellings are tested every Monday.
- Maths and English tasks or project will be given out on some occasions
- Daily reading each child will change their reading books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On the days when children do not change their books we encourage you to share discussions about the child's reading book to improve comprehension skills. When reading with your child please use the VIPERS questions stuck at the front of their reading record to develop the children's understanding of the book read. Please ensure that their reading record is signed by the adult that reads with them.
- PE is on a Tuesday and Friday please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit. Remove all jewellery before PE lessons. Each child is expected to have a PE kit in line with the school uniform policy.
- Computing is on a Thursday with Mrs Jauncey.
- Forest School is on Monday
- What will the children need in school?
- Everyday each child should bring to school their book bag containing their reading record and reading book.
- A bottle filled with a drink for lunch should be with each child every day.
- Each child should have a water bottle to be kept in school.
We hope you know a little more about Year One now. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and speak to the Year One staff after school or send a message via Class Dojo.