Welcome to our page on SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
This page contains a link to our SEND Policy for parents, details of our SEND provision and a link to the Worcestershire County Council Local Offer Directory.
Widget Symbols support and resource pack - symbol support for pupils
New Parent Portal for Speech and Language Access Here
Booktrust books and disability information click here
Updated information regarding Ofsted Re-visit to Worcestershire County Council
External Links - A toolkit for helping children transition back to school.
Speech and Language Support for parents from Speechlink -
Ordinarily available - The SEN Local Offer in Worcestershire Schools
SEND school provision and Education Health Care Plans (EHCP)
Engaging with Parents and Carers - A toolkit for Schools
Memory Skills Special Event Worcester Dyslexia Support Group
Should you require any further assistance please contact thew school office in the first instance at 01905 421409 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This will then be directed to our SENDco - Mrs Hampton