Contact K Staiger - School Administrator

01905 421409
Email: [email protected]


School Clubs


PLEASE NOTE - clubs ran by members of the school staff are on a 'first come, first served' basis. details of where to hand in after school club interest letters will always be shown on the letter.

Some of our clubs are run by external companies and each individual letter will outline response details, costings and dates.

 Day Lunchtime                                    After School                                                          




 AJB KS1 Multisports

Crochet Club



    KS2 AJB American Sports



      AJB Lunchtime Games KS1 & KS2  AJB KS2 Netball




Digital Leader Club

KS2 Choir Club (Invite only)

Irish Dancing Club



 AJB Lunchtime Games KS1 & KS2