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PTA Members Needed

We would like to offer our greatest thanks to the PTA Members who have moved on as their children have left school. Especially Chris Ritson and Amanda Allsop without whom many of our events would have been unable to go ahead. They worked extremely hard to ensure that pupils could continue to enjoy many of the traditional events held at OLQP. They also worked amazingly to raise funds for our school and allow pupils to receive resources that they would otherwise been unable to enjoy.

It is with regret that we have to announce that as yet we have not had any parents come forward to volunteer to continue their fantastic work. Unfortunately without parental support from a PTA many of the events such as the Summer Fete, School discos, Christmas Bazaar to name but a few may be unable to continue.

A school PTA brings all members of the school community together and provides fantastic opportunities for our pupils. If you are interested in being involved in re-establishing our PTA then please call in at the school office or request an appointment with Mrs Miles