Contact K Staiger - School Administrator

01905 421409
Email: [email protected]


 Our Curriculum

The curriculum at Our Lady Queen of Peace is designed with the views of all our stakeholders to ensure that every childwho learns here acquires the knowledge and skills they need to become successful. Our aim is to prepare children to ‘love, share, believe and achieve’in our school community so they can transfer these values into all areas of their lives as they continue on their personal journeys.  

Learning at Our Lady Queen of Peace starts in Reception where the Early Years Foundation Stage and Development Matters documents are used to structure learning outcomes. For Key Stage One and Two we follow the English National Curriculum and have used this to ensure key end points of knowledge (both substantive and disciplinary) for the children we teach are covered. These have been sequenced to ensure progression and to allow children to build upon their skills and knowledge; revisiting, recalling and repeating to achieve their end point goals. 

We aim to provide a curriculum which… 

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Our curriculum design is ‘interconnected’ with year groups adopting themes which have either a historical/geographical foundation. Within these themes, learning takes place in discrete subjects which complement children’s acquisition of knowledge by giving them relevant connections.

The core subjects of English, Maths and Science are usually delivered discretely however in English, class teachers may choose high-quality class texts which complement their themes. In Maths we follow the White Rose Hub scheme of teaching and learning and this ensures knowledge is sequenced across year groups and whole school effectively. As a Catholic school, our RE curriculum follows the Diocese of Birmingham’s planning structure.

For more information on the curriculum at OLQP, read our Curriculum Intent document or explore the different year group class overviews or subject pages below.

OLQP Curriculum intent


Year Group Curriculum Overviews

Details of our curriculum by subject can be found by clicking the links below

 15 16 14 1

 3 10 11 4  

13 2.png 6 5 

9 12 7 8






Further guidance on the national curriculum by year group can be found by here

Guidance on other areas of our curriculum can be found below.

RSE Curriculum

Reading and Phonics Information

Online Safety